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Vondelstraat 104

Review and Rating by Admiral_Bud

review created on : 18 May 02
  • 8.0
marijuana menu
  • 6.0
customer service
  • 6.0

Last time I came here the place wasn't there any more

I love this place, something about it just makes you feel welcome. There's a pool table, and the music is great for smoking to. A fair amount of seating plus an outside seting area.
Marijuana menu: Not a huge range, but always good quality. The powerplant I got last time was amazing.
Service & staff: The staff here are cool, especially the guy who served me last time who I can only assume was a rasta.
Summary : Last time I came here the place wasn't there any more! Surely it can't be true!

3 people like this

review created on : 18 May 02

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member since : 18 May 2002
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