SmokersGuide Event Profile

Burning Man, Nevada USA

Monday 25 August 2014 - Monday 1 September 2014

Black Rock Desert

Nevada USA

Burning Man is crazy annual event that takes place in in Nevada's Black Rock Desert during the week leading up to and including Labor Day.

The event is organised by the Burning Man organization (Black Rock City LLC) which creates the infrastructure of Black Rock City. For the week the attendees (or "participants") create a new world in live in. Burning Mans is somewhere between a hippie commune, an art installation and a festival.

For 2014  the theme is "Caravansary", celebrating nomads, traders, monks, pilgrims, traveling entertainers and adventurers who travelled from all over to share stories aroud the fire. Harkening back to the time when traders would meet in the desert wilderness to exchange good, creating new communities out of nothing.

After a week of entertainment, physical and spiritual, the attendees depart leaving no trace.

To fully understand Burning Man you need to be there.

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