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Eerste van der Helststraat 70

Review and Rating by Tommo89

review created on : 17 Jan 15
  • 10.0
marijuana menu
  • 10.0
customer service
  • 10.0
  • 10.0
  • 10.0
Overall score?
  • 10.0

First time in dam

had only heard of katsu thanks to The smokers guide so i had decide to try and find this place before id even set off, after a few days of hits and misses with other coffee shops i finally found Katsu.

let me just start by saying i loved this shop lol although its set back outside the city centre i found this to be a positive as it was never crowded or dead at any time of the day, plenty of seats and with an amazing atmosphere that you could spend the whole day in there and not even realise it.

one of the best attribtes to this shop was its staff, in not one other shop did i feel more welcomed and relaxed, best staff by far, time for anyone in most languages aswell : ) aswell as a wide variety of drinks and snaks the weed menu was amazing, with somthing for every one at a decent price i couldnt complain as i tried all Strawberry,Mango,lemon,black widow and northern lights hazes ; ) also with more hashes than i can remember i also decided on trying the strawberry haze resin which was unbeleivable.

couldnt advise enough to at least try this shop, i will be going back time and time again a real little hidden gem just on the outskirts

thanks again Katsu : )

3 people like this

review created on : 17 Jan 15

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