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Review and Rating by ojosrojos

review created on : 28 Jun 14
  • 5.0
  • 7.0
Shop Design / Packaging
  • 9.0
Labelling / Information
  • 9.0
  • 9.0
Would you return / puchase again?
  • 9.0
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  • 8.0

Smoked a mountain

Back in town this summer to visit with dutch crew but will be smokin less tobacco fools! lol 

But so i tried this stuff before but from what i remember  it has more taste now and i actulally liked it this round. I remember it being very sharp before but this one was more smoothd out and a bit moister than before. Maybe i was just stoned, plus we put so much morocan hash in there, we were jsut lucky that we could taste anything else!!! LMAO we didnt care to much about the taste but good to know this shit aint tobaccy holmz. I got a pack of them rollin papers to but i didnt use any yet, probaly take home to give out to peepz.

2 people like this

review created on : 28 Jun 14

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