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Hunters Bar

Utrechtsestraat 16

Review and Rating by rikkauwe

review created on : 23 Apr 12
  • 6.0
marijuana menu
  • 8.0
customer service
  • 8.0

Nice shop with good staff in a very popular area, was there very early in the morning so was empty

Very dark and at first it takes a while to get used to the lack of light. However beyond this once your eyes adjust its a nice place to chill
Marijuana menu: The menu is extensive and as it was my first day and first time in amsterdam it was at first intimidating, however the budtender went through it with me and gave some good advice.
Service & staff: The service is fantastic, went in here early in the morning and was given a deal on a nice haze.
Summary : Nice shop with good staff in a very popular area, was there very early in the morning so was empty. But when walked by later was busy, certainly worth a trip and the haze is good.

2 people like this

review created on : 23 Apr 12

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