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Flower Power

Rozengracht 139

Review and Rating by andrewpyrah

review created on : 20 Oct 11
  • 6.0
marijuana menu
  • 6.0
customer service
  • 6.0

A good locals coffeeshop

Flower Power is a bit further out of the Centrum and so is more of a locals shop that a tourist shop. Looks like it used to a Dutch style bar or cafe with lots of wood panelling covering the place.
Marijuana menu: Like many shops more aimed at locals instead of tourists, the menu is limited but all looked like fair quality for good prices, a bit cheaper than Centrum coffeeshops, but a bit out of town. I tried the Amnesia Haze which was pretty good and cheap.
Service & staff: Friendly service even though the seem to serve mainly Dutch locals. They seem happy to help tourists in making there choices. Friendly and relaxed, often the case with the smaller shops as they aren\'t as busy all the time.
Summary : A good locals coffeeshop. Not a huge menu buts all seems ok. Friendly staff are happy to help anyone.

3 people like this

review created on : 20 Oct 11

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member since : 03 Oct 2011
from : Amsterdam Netherlands
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