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Grey Area

Oude Leliestraat 2

Review and Rating by stoneygriffin

review created on : 10 Jun 11
  • 7.5
marijuana menu
  • 9.5
customer service
  • 9.0

The shop is very small, but cozy. they have lots of cool pictures on the walls and it is a great place to just sit and chill.

The shop is very small, but cozy. they have lots of cool pictures on the walls and it is a great place to just sit and chill.
Marijuana menu: I tried some Cannaloupe Haze. It had some nice relaxing qualities, a little less eye opening than comparable strains, but it tasted incredible. Fresh cantaloupe straight from the tree :)
Service & staff: The service was very friendly and were eager to offer opinions.
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3 people like this

review created on : 10 Jun 11

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member since : 07 Jun 2011
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