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The Greenhouse Effect

Nieuwmarkt 14

Review and Rating by smokey

review created on : 23 Mar 04
  • 1.0
marijuana menu
  • 1.0
customer service
  • 1.0

.....that anyone could be that much of a dick to you

the smaller coffeshop(not the big bar next door) was really shit. we went in and asked for some milkshakes. she assumed we wanted hash in them, "otherwise you'd be in macdonalds right?" NO! give me a cold fucking shake that doesnt taste like shit......
Marijuana menu: .....too much to ask for though it was horrible. i was so stoned and i really want to punch her! the guy selling weed was an ugly english man. this place was on my mind all day. they treat you like shit because they dont think you will give them.....
Service & staff: ....repeat business. well they are right, i will always tell people who are going to amsterdam to avoid this place as much as they can. and when i go back, i will certainly not go back. i really really hated this place, and i was just shocked.....
Summary : .....that anyone could be that much of a dick to you. why? because she thinks im a 19 year old tourist who thinks its ok to be treated that way? dont go there- you've been warned.

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review created on : 23 Mar 04

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