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Rosmarijnsteeg 9

Review and Rating by ucboy

review created on : 26 Jan 03
  • 7.0
marijuana menu
  • 10.0
customer service
  • 10.0

Not a must see coffeeshop but it's very practical when in the evening all shops are crowded and you find here a nice seat and a

The shop was very noble , the decor was very fresh and the light was brigt. So the decor isn't really typical for a coffeeshop. But that doesn't mean that it was bad rather the opposite.
Marijuana menu: Take the AK-47 on hydro. We had luck and visited the Kadinsky on their special day when weed is cheaper.
Service & staff: was okay, nothing special
Summary : Not a must see coffeeshop but it's very practical when in the evening all shops are crowded and you find here a nice seat and a very good weed.

2 people like this

review created on : 26 Jan 03

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