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Nieuwmarkt 28

Review and Rating by Andrew

review created on : 12 Jan 03
  • 9.0
marijuana menu
  • 7.0
customer service
  • 7.0

This is a very pleasant bar/coffeshop

The style is not unlike a French brasserie. It's bigger than most and a lot less seedy. You can sit outside as well and smoke, for a very continental feel.
Marijuana menu: It's not a very big menu, and not the cheapest, but there are some good hashes. You can see the samples, as they are stapled to the menu.
Service & staff: Laid back staff. I was unfortunate enough once to witness a group of pissed up English tourists who ran away without paying their bill. The barman just shrugged his shoulders and smiled on.
Summary : This is a very pleasant bar/coffeshop. It doesn't have that dark and seedy vibe like a lot of them do.

1 people like this

review created on : 12 Jan 03

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member since : 11 Jan 2003
from : Edinburgh 577
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