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Green House Namaste

Waterlooplein 345

Review and Rating by GreekDoc

review created on : 07 Dec 02
  • 9.0
marijuana menu
  • 9.0
customer service
  • 9.0

The Greenhouses are clubs now, so you either have to be a member or a tourist to get past the security bar

Really nice ambience, if a little uncomfortable seating, but all in all nice to get wasted. Nice toilet.
Marijuana menu: Best Super Silver Haze ! Neville's Haze also very good, Hawaiian Haze almost better ! Great menu all in all, if not the cheapest. Also sell half grams.
Service & staff: Depends on who serves. Mostly friendly, but one time the bar girl kicked everyone out at 22:45 on a Friday evening even though they are supposed to be open till 01:00...
Summary : The Greenhouses are clubs now, so you either have to be a member or a tourist to get past the security bar. This one was our main base last trip and it is one of my top coffeeshops in Amsterdam.

2 people like this

review created on : 07 Dec 02

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