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Blues Brothers (the)

Nieuwendijk 89

Review and Rating by burt

review created on : 10 Nov 02
  • 6.0
marijuana menu
  • 6.0
customer service
  • 6.0

Quite small, the upstairs has a pool table. The vibe is o.k, there was nobody in the place when I was in there so it was hard to

Quite small, the upstairs has a pool table. The vibe is o.k, there was nobody in the place when I was in there so it was hard to tell.
Marijuana menu: Disapointed that there was no Intensive Care. Also there was a minimum purchase of €10. However the dealer did let us buy two different types for our money.
Service & staff: Nothing sticks out.
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review created on : 10 Nov 02

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member since : 29 May 2002
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