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Eerste van der Helststraat 70

Review and Rating by JoyBoy

review created on : 01 May 02
  • 10.0
marijuana menu
  • 9.0
customer service
  • 9.0

This trip I spent much more time in the highest rated shops than ever before

Brown cafe style. Faily large and comfortable with good tables and chairs, a coffeebar with stools. Undoubtedly the coolest jazz playing from a good sound system at conversation volume. This is a mecca for the mature smoker.
Marijuana menu: They have a reknowned menu, and had their famous Super Sage on hand at reasonable prices. They also had the last two winners of the Cannabis Cup hash categories, wasteful, can't get the tape off it.
Service & staff: Very courteous. A bit stand-offish at 1st. No alcohol served or allowed inside or out front. We showed up 1/2 hour early Sunday in crappy weather and the guy let us in and served us. They gotta fix that damn TAPE on the hash!
Summary : This trip I spent much more time in the highest rated shops than ever before. Good clean glass bongs. Good coffee and gear. My girlfriend and I both agreed that this was far and away the most comfortable and enjoyable shop of all.

6 people like this

review created on : 01 May 02

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