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Nes 33

Review and Rating by GG

review created on : 18 Dec 01
  • 7.0
marijuana menu
  • 8.0
customer service
  • 8.0

If you go here to shoot some pool, don't make a fuss if you have to wait, as the locals have their coins on the edge of the pool

The long bar right at the entrance makes you want to join in with whatever conversation was going on. Very casual and easy going atmosphere.
Marijuana menu: Always nice quality. The staff seems to know what they are talking about.
Service & staff: A friendly smile and good service. As i'm not that tall, most bar staff seems to just not see me waiting, but here they seem to notice evrything. It made me feel very secure.
Summary : If you go here to shoot some pool, don't make a fuss if you have to wait, as the locals have their coins on the edge of the pooltable set for another 5-10 games. The guys are very good at this game !!! They all want to win... badly.

1 people like this

review created on : 18 Dec 01

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member since : 10 Dec 2001
from : Amsterdam 518
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