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Green House Namaste

Waterlooplein 345

Review and Rating by GG

review created on : 12 Dec 01
  • 8.0
marijuana menu
  • 9.0
customer service
  • 9.0

Great place to go to

Quit trendy crowd. You can chill but also pop-in to a conversation at the bar. Great decor ! Warning... when you have to go to the toilet, you'll be gone for at least an hour. You'll be tripping on the gorgeous art-work around you.
Marijuana menu: A lot of different varieties, and reasonable to high quality products. New on their menu: Organicly grown Kalimist, simply "WOW".
Service & staff: Smart looking boys and girls. Friendly but also very interested in themselves. I was a bit dissapointed about the lack of knowledge on their products.
Summary : Great place to go to. It's an absolute must to go there and taste the atmosphere when you're in Amsterdam. And it's around the corner from the famous Waterlooplein market.

2 people like this

review created on : 12 Dec 01

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member since : 10 Dec 2001
from : Amsterdam 518
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