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Review and Rating by Tuckerborr

review created on : 10 Mar 13
  • 7.0
marijuana menu
  • 8.5
customer service
  • 8.5

menu is small yes and maybe a little pricey but all together H.G is a great shop with lots to offer

nice and big! (compared to most anyway) good seats near the window if you like! a good shop for a group which is cool because i know iv had problems fitting in somewhere with 5 or more people
Marijuana menu: amnesia X G13 for 14euro a G but worth it! homegrown cheese was 15! they also had nice insomnia haze and super silver! all 13euro+ per G but the quality will not let you down!
Service & staff: chilled staff that are cool just letting you chill lol seemed to know their cabbage but not as chatty maybe! but thats cool with me!
Summary : menu is small yes and maybe a little pricey but all together H.G is a great shop with lots to offer! top 10!

3 people like this

review created on : 10 Mar 13

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member since : 25 Jan 2010
from : Cambridgeshire 575
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