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Tweede Kamer

Heisteeg 6

Review and Rating by itson_wibble

review created on : 28 Jul 03
  • 6.0
marijuana menu
  • 10.0
customer service
  • 10.0

It did seem a little local shop for local people, but the AK47 is worth it.

Very small. Some chatty locals. Very small, can't describe how small it is. You are never more than a few feet from the bar.
Marijuana menu: I've just worked out why I was so stoned for the rest of the afternoon the day I went in there. The AK47 is beyond compare. I had a joint in there but didn't feel all that stoned until I left, then the stone just lasts for eons and eons.
Service & staff: Nice enough but nothing to write home about.
Summary : It did seem a little local shop for local people, but the AK47 is worth it.

2 people like this

review created on : 28 Jul 03

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