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Soft Temple

Gravenstraat 5

Review and Rating by dave

review created on : 19 Feb 03
  • 8.0
marijuana menu
  • 8.0
customer service
  • 8.0

This coffeeshop was the closest to our hotel (Tulip Inn Dam Square) and thus became our 'local'

Tidy, with a lounge upstairs with TV and seating. Music ranges a lot - when my girlfriend and I were there it seemed like a celebration of Bob Marley. Not as spacious as some other coffeeshops, but roomy enough.
Marijuana menu: Brainstorm was in fact a highlight of my debut outing to Amsterdam. Otherwise, a pretty good selection of ganja that'll satisfy even the dedicated smoker.
Service & staff: The owner was friendly, polite, and makes a great latte. On sunny days he sits outside the shop on a stool and welcomes his customers in. Made to feel very comfortable.
Summary : This coffeeshop was the closest to our hotel (Tulip Inn Dam Square) and thus became our 'local'. We spent many hazy hours sitting in Soft Temple enjoying everything it had to offer. Highly recommended.

2 people like this

review created on : 19 Feb 03

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member since : 12 Feb 2003
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