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Mellow Yellow

Vijzelgracht 33

Review and Rating by deacon47

review created on : 22 Jan 03
  • 8.0
marijuana menu
  • 8.0
customer service
  • 7.0

The really first coffeeshop in Amsterdam, you can get there easily with the train number 16 running down from the ceentral Stati

This shop was my favorit one on my trip to Amsterdam.. the walls yellow painted, two pinballs (the one at the entrance doesn't work, don't put money in;-)!) a big wallpaper from Jimmy Hendrix, the Wall, some plants, three big sofas and a cool bar
Marijuana menu: there were good things in there, i can tell you. First the nice White woddow (it's very strong she said.. too late.. i took a hit and got lost in the chilled sofa) the orange but was also nice. I baught Crystal Hash there, nice "weedy" taste, all good ini?
Service & staff: the barmen (A friendly asian looking woman, a midle age man and a boy at the age of 22 i think) were always there to let us feel comfortable.. fresh orange juice, hot chocolat(nice!) Junkfood and much more
Summary : The really first coffeeshop in Amsterdam, you can get there easily with the train number 16 running down from the ceentral Station

2 people like this

review created on : 22 Jan 03

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