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Eerste van der Helststraat 70

Review and Rating by GreekDoc

review created on : 07 Dec 02
  • 5.0
marijuana menu
  • 6.0
customer service
  • 6.0

It was so packed when we went, we were very lucky to get a seat

Small, cramped, dark, lots of stickers and posters everywhere, kinda underground...
Marijuana menu: They had a minimum 2g purchase and only "skunk" prerolled joints, so we did not buy anything :/ Prices a bit high as well... The menu was not too extensive either.
Service & staff: The young woman was helpful but overworked as she was alone in the really packed coffeeshop...
Summary : It was so packed when we went, we were very lucky to get a seat. We shared the table with some spanish-speaking tourists that had bought a great deal of hash and weed there. There were many locals as well. I will give Katsu another try on my next visit. ????????? ?????????� ????????????????????�???????????????????

4 people like this

review created on : 07 Dec 02

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