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Noon (the)

Zieseniskade 22

Review and Rating by Admiral_Bud

review created on : 25 Jun 02
  • 5.0
marijuana menu
  • 9.0
customer service
  • 9.0

Maybe not good for a long stay, but worth a visit if you're in the area (and can find it).

The lighting is just right, and there are a few TV's, but the wooden seating isn't great. The back of the shop is good to chill out in.
Marijuana menu: I smoked a lot of the noon's blueberry on the first day of my visit, maybe that's why I fell asleep at about 7:30! The white melon was great too, even though it was the end of the batch.
Service & staff: We turned up pretty early at about 10:30am but the staff were very welcoming. The owner is supposed to be cranky in the morning but I don't think he was there.
Summary : Maybe not good for a long stay, but worth a visit if you're in the area (and can find it).

1 people like this

review created on : 25 Jun 02

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