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El Guapo

Nieuwe Nieuwstraat 31

Review and Rating by BKB

review created on : 11 Dec 01
  • 7.0
marijuana menu
  • 7.0
customer service
  • 7.0

I bought my weed at the end of my trip.My tolerant level was much too high to appreciate their selections.

Plain interior.Not too loud.
Marijuana menu: Interesting menu.Ordered the Power Planx and Crystal Moroccan.I think they were the most expensive on the menu.
Service & staff: Great service.Very friendly and helpful staff.They took the time to explain to me about my purchase.Also gave me a discount price.
Summary : I bought my weed at the end of my trip.My tolerant level was much too high to appreciate their selections.

1 people like this

review created on : 11 Dec 01

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