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Halvemaansteeg 1

Review and Rating by J_SGuide

review created on : 11 Dec 01
  • 6.5
marijuana menu
  • 6.5
customer service
  • 6.5

This used to be Mister Adam since being taken over it's defiantly worth checking out.

A mellow vibe with a chilled soul.
Marijuana menu: A nice selection with some unique strains I�ve not had a chance to test any yet but look forward to checking it out.
Service & staff: With a friendly smile.
Summary : This used to be Mister Adam since being taken over it's defiantly worth checking out.

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review created on : 11 Dec 01

This review is the subjective opinion of a Smokers Guide member and not of nor its staff. By uploading these votes, comments and photos, this user agreed with our terms & conditions .



member since : 10 Dec 2001
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