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10 votes Eden Farms Review Rating: 1.0 out of 10 based on 10 votes.

Eden Farms

Eden Farms


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  • 1.0
  • 1.0
  • 1.0
  • 1.0
Hygiene / Upkeep (cleanliness)
  • 1.0
Facilities / Selection
  • 1.0
  • 1.0
Instruction / Attention
  • 1.0
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  • 1.0
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  • 1.0

High quality medical cannabis, cannabis products and cannabis genetics.

 Eden Farms Inc., are a California Consumer Cooperative Corporation established to:

  • Increase access to high quality medical cannabis, cannabis products and cannabis genetics.
  • Promote sharing regarding ecologically sound cultivation, processing, testing, concentrating and distribution of medical cannabis and bi-products.
  • Promote genetic diversity by establishing the Humboldt County Strain Bank.
  • Establish a core of 10-20 organic cannabis growers. All county ready to be certified.
  • Produce the Humboldt County Brand Name of outdoor cannabis.
  • Have testing done by certified tester whom is also a member.
  • Network with non-cooperative dispensaries and make them and there members our members.
  • Provide free medical cannabis when available to needy members.


  • Cannabis Growing
  • Organic Products
  • Available in California
  • Cooperative
  • Lab Tested
  • Medical Marijuana
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