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Barney's Lounge

Reguliersgracht 27

Review and Rating by waxman420

review created on : 29 Jun 08
  • 10.0
marijuana menu
  • 10.0
customer service
  • 10.0

They have two Volcano Vapourisers and the staff will show you how to use them

Barney's Lounge was located right next to our hotel (Seven Bridges Hotel). It was a great place to start and end the day. They are open daily from 10:00am to 01:00am. The place is relatively new - nice seating and a suave decor.
Marijuana menu: I tried a few of the bunch and liked the G-13 the best. The G-13 pure rolled joints (7 euro each) were perfect to take along on our site seeing adventures (we did this to avoid bad weed at some of the other coffeeshops).
Service & staff: Well, the service at Barney's Lounge was great! Many thanks to Andy and the rest of the "crew" at the place. They have a nice selection of coffee and they also make milkshakes.
Summary : They have two Volcano Vapourisers and the staff will show you how to use them. I would HIGHLY recommend using a vapouriser as their is no discomfort in the throat.

1 people like this

review created on : 29 Jun 08

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