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Green House East

Tolstraat 91

Review and Rating by AW

review created on : 10 Dec 01
  • 8.0
marijuana menu
  • 8.0
customer service
  • 8.0

This is a beautifull place to hang out. The only thing that you might feel less comfertable with, is that it's mostly for the "

This is a beautifull place to hang out. The only thing that you might feel less comfertable with, is that it's mostly for the "hip people". To see or to be seen.
Marijuana menu: Nice variety of products. Plenty of choice for everyone. The weed menu is mostly hydro, but lately i've spotted some organic weeds too. The more popular varieties are quite expensive.
Service & staff: The service depends on the mood that the girls or the boys are in. It depends on the couples working together. Some teams are great, some are more to themselves.
Summary :

1 people like this

review created on : 10 Dec 01

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member since : 10 Dec 2001
from : Amsterdam 518
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