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Grey Area

Oude Leliestraat 2

Review and Rating by pinrod777

review created on : 16 Dec 02
  • 7.0
marijuana menu
  • 9.5
customer service
  • 9.0

the kif is explosive....the only time ive smoked myself into trippy land...tracers everywhere, talking in slo mo......who needs

a little cheap but hey these guys are heads what do you expect the ritz carlton
Marijuana menu: awesome!!!!!! the kif was unreal, so was the yumboldt, bubble gum wasnt what i expected, but the kali mist was so tasty...overall id say smokin!
Service & staff: the guy seems a little annoyed when it gets real busy but overall thay are pretty friendly...ive heard they are rude but never to me...but hey ive been to rhode island where this guys from...maybe he liked me
Summary : the kif is explosive....the only time ive smoked myself into trippy land...tracers everywhere, talking in slo mo......who needs LSD when ya got the GA

1 people like this

review created on : 16 Dec 02

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member since : 16 Dec 2002
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