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N.Z. Voorburgwal 59

Review and Rating by outlando

review created on : 12 May 02
  • 7.0
marijuana menu
  • 7.0
customer service
  • 7.0

Good generally, although after a while we did start to feel uncomfortable

Good atmosphere, although the air conditioning blows down towards the tables, which is not exactly conducive to skinning up!
Marijuana menu: Good menu
Service & staff: After buying a couple of rounds of drinks in a quite short time, we did feel as though we were being cleaned up around.
Summary : Good generally, although after a while we did start to feel uncomfortable. The music was too loud too.

1 people like this

review created on : 12 May 02

This review is the subjective opinion of a Smokers Guide member and not of nor its staff. By uploading these votes, comments and photos, this user agreed with our terms & conditions .



member since : 12 May 2002
from : London 575
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