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Coffeeshop The Stud

Molukkenstraat 581

Review and Rating by

review created on : 12 Feb 15
  • 6.0
marijuana menu
  • 8.0
customer service
  • 8.0
  • 6.0
  • 9.0
Overall score?
  • 8.0

Improved a lot after they moved

I remember this place mostly from its older location: some square back in the east with lost of neighbor- parking issues outside (always a uniformed guy this keeping an eye at the vehicles).

This place was kind of the center of the cheapest-dope ring that the East of Amsterdam, together with "Best Friends".
Fine strings here for an absolutely low price and even their GRUIS is there for the budget blower.
I remember a kind of intimidating atmosphere that made me come here only if I did not have an alternative choice.

Now they have move into a more open area and opened up the shop (more light) and employed younger people.
I hope they good there, its a little too far for me to go overthere,,

update 7-23016 
The Gruis is much better then any shop in the neihgborhood. Also, the Silver Haze is great.

Also, on the corner nxt door they seem to have a merchadise shop, with the mist incredible babe working there, have to admit that this drives me there a little too much for my finances!

Looking back, it was a great deccission to move out of the shady area where they were before.

4 people like this

review created on : 12 Feb 15

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