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Cafe 420 De Kuil

Oudebrugsteeg 27

Review and Rating by andrewpyrah

review created on : 18 Oct 11
  • 6.0
marijuana menu
  • 7.0
customer service
  • 7.0

Well known for being one of the few coffeeshops playing classic rock music

Very popular with tourists, especially Americans. Looks a bit more like a Dutch bar or cafe with lots of wood everywhere. A friendly upbeat atmosphere. Often a first stop for tourists as its just down the road from Centraal Station.
Marijuana menu: A small menu and prices can be a little high, but it is in a very central location. They stock popular strains like Super Silver Haze and NYC Diesel. The quality tends to be pretty good, nothing too great but better than other coffeeshops in the centre.
Service & staff: The bar/coffeeshop atmosphere carries across to the service. Can be a bit crowded and mostly full of American tourists, but tourists are there to have a good time so a happy environment is created.
Summary : Well known for being one of the few coffeeshops playing classic rock music. Very popular with American tourists. Small but good menu, though can be more expensive than other places.

2 people like this

review created on : 18 Oct 11

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member since : 03 Oct 2011
from : Amsterdam Netherlands
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