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Funky Munkey

Marnixstraat 333

Review and Rating by jimdandy

review created on : 27 Sep 11
  • 7.0
marijuana menu
  • 8.0
customer service
  • 8.0

I want to go back to this place in the evening to see how it is on a way for a night in town

there was lots of space and an open feel which is good for a coffeeshop and very unusual. I sat at the back and wathced all of the people walking across the bridge. The sun was out and it was nice.
Marijuana menu: solid LONG menu, i was here already a few months ago but I think i got my usual Amnesia Haze and I was very stoned from it, as ususal! lol
Service & staff: the girl with tattoos was nice and friendly, let me see the diff weeds and picked a nice piece for me. I didnt say much cos there was a group of locals that were waiting to get served.
Summary : I want to go back to this place in the evening to see how it is on a way for a night in town. Maybe talk with some people and play some pool.

4 people like this

review created on : 27 Sep 11

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