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Soft Land

Spuistraat 222

Review and Rating by WickedWitchoftheWeed

review created on : 14 Nov 07
  • 4.0
marijuana menu
  • 6.0
customer service
  • 6.0

I would come here more to use the internet than to hang out.

Simple, not too cozy. The many computers make it feel more like an internet spot than coffeeshop.
Marijuana menu: The selection on the menu was large, and I enjoyed the flavour of what I smoked.
Service & staff: The guy behind the bar was friendly. There were a few guys just hanging around the bar area, and they felt a bit less friendly.
Summary : I would come here more to use the internet than to hang out.

1 people like this

review created on : 14 Nov 07

This review is the subjective opinion of a Smokers Guide member and not of nor its staff. By uploading these votes, comments and photos, this user agreed with our terms & conditions .



member since : 03 Oct 2007
from : London 575
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