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Prinsengracht 480

Review and Rating by genghis

review created on : 09 Sep 03
  • 8.0
marijuana menu
  • 6.0
customer service
  • 6.0

Great place to chill out on this side of town, just out of the way enough that it's not full mad tourists.

Decor's nothing special, but there's always been a good vibe here everytime I visited. If they're quiet or its packed, I've always loved it.
Marijuana menu: Along with its sister shop next door, Easy Times, there isn't a huge amount of choice, but what they have is good.
Service & staff: Staff always incredibly friendly, helpful, etc.
Summary : Great place to chill out on this side of town, just out of the way enough that it's not full mad tourists.

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review created on : 09 Sep 03

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