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Soft Temple

Gravenstraat 5

Review and Rating by matt_holloway

review created on : 26 Sep 02
  • 7.0
marijuana menu
  • 8.0
customer service
  • 8.0

The vibe within the Soft Temple is relaxing, with chilled upbeat Indian tunes in the background and an Indian theme ie hookahs l

The vibe within the Soft Temple is relaxing, with chilled upbeat Indian tunes in the background and an Indian theme ie hookahs lined along the windowsill. Upstears is a small room which is normally quiet so one can get away from the outer world.
Marijuana menu: The array of Skunks and hashes is reasonably extensive, with one of my favorites at the time, Brain Storm. The price is good where one can buy in larger amounts ( 2-5g) for a cheaper price as it is bought in bulk. Shiva
Service & staff: The service was exceptional, with a microscope to check out the crysals and a freindly person behind the counter, it is a good place to go if you dont have experience in smoking/Eating.
Summary :

2 people like this

review created on : 26 Sep 02

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member since : 23 Sep 2002
from : colchester 575
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