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Coffeeshop 36

Warmoesstraat 36

Review and Rating by JoyBoy

review created on : 26 Feb 02
  • 8.0
marijuana menu
  • 7.0
customer service
  • 7.0

Definitely worth a look-see if you're passing by on Warmoestraat (and who doesn't at some point)

Nice large place with room to move around and places to sit. Good location on Warmoestraat. Real good coffee. Unfortunately no beer.
Marijuana menu: They had an ample menu, but I zeroed in on the Bubblegum Polm after reading the review here. Dynamite. Excellent value. They also had a good selection of space goodies, but I was in a hurry to do the Polm.
Service & staff: Courteous and friendly. They seem to aim to please.
Summary : Definitely worth a look-see if you're passing by on Warmoestraat (and who doesn't at some point). I can almost gurantee you'll be pleasantly surprised. I'm going back for the Bubblegum Polm in a few weeks.

1 people like this

review created on : 26 Feb 02

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