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Bushdocter (the)

Thorbeckeplein 28

Review and Rating by justinhale

review created on : 13 Feb 02
  • 7.5
marijuana menu
  • 9.0
customer service
  • 9.0

make sure you check out the isolater hash in the microscope they have, it looks so scary you allmost dont want to schmoke it,,al

very basic inside the three times ive been there it was slow, just like last yr, the dealer and I talked for about an hour
Marijuana menu: the weed was nice pre weighed bags, the hash on the other hand was very very good, I got the calimist isolater hash and just like the other reviewer said as good as the moonshine
Service & staff: becouse the dealer and I talked for so long, and he remembered me from last yr the service in my opinion was very good he also let me go through all the weed, I picked a choice bag of the calimist and rolled a fatty mist isolater mist pure joint.....
Summary : make sure you check out the isolater hash in the microscope they have, it looks so scary you allmost dont want to schmoke it,,almost!

1 people like this

review created on : 13 Feb 02

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