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Blues Brothers (the)

Nieuwendijk 89

Review and Rating by Mystic_Smokebow

review created on : 23 Jan 02
  • 8.0
marijuana menu
  • 6.0
customer service
  • 6.0

To all Amsterdam visitors, I would make a special trip to The Blues Brothers, simply to see the womens' bathroom decorum :)

Downstairs, the bar is always lively, very colorful, and friendly. The bathroom decor is unique, to say the least. It's a very comfortable atmosphere and reminds me a lot of the states... except for the marijuana is legal, and thousands of times better. ?
Marijuana menu: It's an average menu.... nothing spectacular, but nothing to complain about....
Service & staff: Wonderful-- the guys upstairs are fun... they make good conversation and are quick to help. Their eyes are always a lovely shade of red, and their service is always fast.
Summary : To all Amsterdam visitors, I would make a special trip to The Blues Brothers, simply to see the womens' bathroom decorum :)

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review created on : 23 Jan 02

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