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Zoutsteeg 14

Review and Rating by jansta

review created on : 13 Jan 02
  • 4.0
marijuana menu
  • 6.0
customer service
  • 6.0

People who were hanging out there were pretty miserable

Plain bar/coffeeshop look, not much room. I didn't spend much time there - bought my gear and left.
Marijuana menu: Not bad - tried some AK47, which was very good. Quality was good. Gear was kept in locked drawers and was weighed to your request.
Service & staff: Think Coyote Ugly style waitress with little patience for tourists. She seemed to think this was the first time I'd ever smoked weed.
Summary : People who were hanging out there were pretty miserable. One guy moaned about me going to the bar to buy.

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review created on : 13 Jan 02

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