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La Canna Coffeeshop (CLOSED)

Nieuwendijk 121-125

Review and Rating by daha

review created on : 06 Dec 02
  • 4.0
marijuana menu
  • 4.0
customer service
  • 4.0

This is a great place if you want to go play pool, smoke, and drink all at the same time

Somewhat confusing to find your way around as it is on multiple levels. Somewhat like a warehouse. On the top level one evening I found a cat nursing some little kittens.
Marijuana menu: Didn't waste my time buying weed here, and I recommend that you do the same. It's not of good quality and it is overpriced.
Service & staff: Service? There really isn't any....
Summary : This is a great place if you want to go play pool, smoke, and drink all at the same time. Other than that I can not see any other reason to come here. It is touristy and huge - I much prefer a smaller, intimate coffee shop experience.

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review created on : 06 Dec 02

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